Meditation Energy Enhancement

Ramakrishna, Meditation and Psychic Powers, Shaktipat, Kundalini Kriyas, Siddhis, Enlightenment


From time immemorial it has been known that some people, Yogis, Gurus, Shamen, Priests, Saints, Paramahamsas, Buddhas, Christs, have evolved to a state of high energy. For example, Ramakrishna.

These pure and good people, wanting benefit and happiness for all, without a trace of selfishness and competition have been known to have psychic powers.

Their search for energy and goodness has precipitated within them the next stage of human evolution.

For thousands of years they have been Good Doctors, Good Priests, founders of religion, Philosophic Geniuses, Advisors of Kings, Musical Geniuses, Poets, Makers of the Law.

For thousands of years these people, wielding amazing Siddhis or Psychic powers, have been recorded as healing of the sick, casting out mental sickness, coming in dreams, communicating through telepathy, the radiation of specialised energies, leaving the body, entering into the body of another, astral travel, telling the future, acting at a distance, raising Kundalini, Shaktipat, the ability to pass healing into amulets, temples, places of peace, pilgrimage sites, creating miracles, birds and beasts come to them in peace.

Sri Ramakrishna's life is a wonderful record of realization and the powers that follow upon it, powers which in themselves did not particularly interest him, drowned as they were in the knowledge of the higher vision.

Indeed, he said that psychic powers could take one away from the path of self realization because of the selfish ego of having psychic powers. Just because a person has psychic powers, does not mean that the person is good, or that the psychic powers are used with good intent.

The enlightened always come from the direction of good, of goodness, and the aura of psychic powers follows them like a shadow, although they themselves think nothing of them.

Realization came to Ramakrishna in the typical way--devotion, longing for liberation from the bondage of the senses, and then one day with the help of his Master, Totapuri, suddenly, a flood of light and the loss of self-consciousness for 21 days in Samadhi.

I will mention some of the powers it brought with it. They are described as "characteristics distinctive of the highest degree of concentration."

He would meet his disciples at the door, and begin to answer, without being asked, the written questions they carried in their pockets.

He could tell by touch the character of anyone who had even come in contact with his food, clothes or mat.

He would say of one from whom he shrank, that the contact with anothers negative energy and deep energy blockages had "burnt" him.

Sometimes--"Look, I can eat this. Some good soul must have sent it."

His disciples have told of the strangeness with which they would listen to one side of a dialogue carried on for hours while Ramakrishna, resting, evidently believed himself to be communicating with beings they could not see.

He had his own nervous force so completely under control that during his last illness he could remove all consciousness from the cancer in his throat and allow it to be operated upon as if under a local anesthetic.

He could interpret the smallest detail of the physical constitution of others as expressing their inward personality.

He would throw a disciple into the hypnotic state and learn from his subconscious mind all that was lodged there.

At times, he said, men and women seemed to him like glass and he could look them through and through.

Above all he could by his touch exercise a compelling power over other lives.

Through this touch they also received flashes of the higher consciousness which molded their futures, this touch is called Shaktipat.

An example is given of his placing his hand on the heads of a row of persons with a different phrase for each, and each receiving a different gift. With one, overwhelming joy; to another a great light which never left him, so that he could never pass shrine or temple after without seeming to see there in that light a Form which he described as "the Spirit that dwells in the images," and so forth.

One of his disciples says, in speaking of the usual talk of men's consciousness: "Consciousness? What does consciousness matter? It is as NOTHING compared with the unfathomable depths of the subconscious and the heights of the superconscious.

Some disciple saw Ramakrishna gather in ten minutes from a man's subconscious mind the whole of his past, and determine from that his future and his powers.

Of this disciple Ramakrishna eagerly asked when he first saw him, "Tell me, do you see a light when you are going to sleep?" "Doesn't everyone?" asked the boy, in wonder. He had indeed a consciousness of light so great that he took it for granted that someone had placed a bright lamp behind his head.

When the disciple was to speak in public, which he did frequently and with power, he would hear at night in his room a voice shouting at him the words he would say next day. It was given to him. This man was the well-known student of Ramakrishna, Swami Vivekananda.

Doing all this they also pass on their energy in Shaktipat for the awakening of all good students.

The shaktipat, the radiation of psychic energies by the enlightened can awaken these abilities in all who come to them. This has been known and recorded in the Sacred literature for thousands of years.

Uppadesa, or the grace of the masters is said to come in a glance, touch, or in silence.

Indeed, some sacred literature states that only by access to the energies of the Masters, can enlightenment be passed on.

The search for this next step in evolution comes from the enhancement, the increase, of energy.

As fire is spread from candle to candle. As the sacred word resonates in both he who gives and he who receives. As Grace dropeth as the gentle dew from Heaven, twice blessed..

So a preparation of he who receives, the student, the candle, by the removal of Negative Energy, Energy Blockages. A lack of Energy Blockages allows more Spiritual Energy to be absorbed and used to crystalise, complete, finalise, create the Spiritual Body of another Master, another transmitter of the Truth!

They say that Masters represent infinite power through a complete loss of the selfish ego - When the robe was touched no credit was claimed by the wearer, It was your faith which healed you! said the Master - and so the truism, It takes two to Tango, - the student must be purified and prepared by evolution and spiritual practice to accept the Force, the Energy transmitted by the Master.

All energy blockages stopping the flow of energy through the system and preventing the buildup of psychic power in the system must be removed. Thus we learn and practice Yoga, Pranayama, Meditation, Samadhi, Samyama, the Kundalini Kriyas, Chinese Alchemical Taoism and the Micro and Macrocosmic Orbits, VITRIOL and The Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus, The Grounding of Negative Energies, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, Raja Yoga and the Eighteen Classical Yogas of the Bhagavad Gita.

Thus the torch is passed on from Master to Student. Another candle is lighted up!

And Masters have existed in every time period.

They exist Now!!

Satchidanand, Director of Energy Enhancement, is one of the leading teachers of Meditation.!

He helps people worldwide reach further than they EVER thought possible, FASTER!!!



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   Philip Lot of Energy
   Jeans Form of Meditation
   Amy There is this Light
   Chris Training  Meditation
   Vanessa Yoga Teacher
   Thomas energy flowing
   Gerhard increase energy
   Dr.Susana Gain more
   James I'm Shanghai now
   Dr.Thomas Good Spirits
   Pierre Meditation practice
   Thomas Spiritual aspect
   Lydie Enhancement Level
   Paul The meditations
   Alan Energy Enhancement
   Alexandra the Energy
   Anna Gained More Energy
   Arwen an intensive yoga
   Carla Follow this Light
   Craig The Initiation One
   Daniele grow  & lightness
   David Yoga Teacher
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   Jinny breath of God
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   Olympia with Energy
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